Connectify Jadikan Laptop sebagai Wifi Hotspot

Apa itu Connectify ? Ini adalah software agar laptop atau komputer bisa kita jadikan hotspot wifi , Jadi jika kita punya koneksi internet dilaptop kita bisa menshare / menjadikannya akses poin hotspot , hal ini sangat berguna jika kita ingin online di hp contohnya android , kita bisa menggunakan wifi yang berasal dari laptop kita ini ......

Connectify is an easy to use software router for Windows computers. Users can wirelessly and securely share any Internet connection: a cable modem, cellular card, even another Wi-Fi network with other Wi-Fi enabled devices such as smart phones, laptops, and gaming systems.
Feature :
[FREE]Take practically any Internet connection and share it wirelessly with no additional hardware, wires, plugs, or chargers
[FREE]Easily connect any number of Wi-Fi enabled devices to your Connectify Hotspot
[PRO]Automatic Internet selection for super simple set-up
[PRO]Customize your hotspot's name and allow it to operate like a wireless repeater for your home or office router
[PRO]Browse Shared folders and other services in your network; Even without an active Internet connection

Download Connectify Ver.3.1 [6MB] Free version
Download Patch untuk menjadikannya Full version

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