Sony Vegas Pro 10

Sony Vegas Pro 10 Merupakan Software untuk mengedit video ..
Jadi buat kalian yang demen edit video
ada sony vegas yg terbukti kuat jg :D


1. Run setup installer(Choose x32 or x64 depending on your system)

2. Once installation completes, DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT open the program!

3. Open the keygen(run as admin on Vista/W7)
a) Click "Patch". A prompt will appear asking you to locate it to "Vegas Pro 10.0" folder.
Browse to this folder(C:/Program Files/Sony/Vegas Pro 10.0)

b) Another prompt will appear asking you to locate to your "Shared Plug-Ins"
Browse to this folder(C:/Program Files/Sony/Shared Plug-Ins)

4. Now they are patching the file, please wait.. (takes you about less than 5 mins)
Once patching is done, DO NOT CLOSE THE KEYGEN.

5. Leave the keygen window open, and now open the Sony Vegas Pro 10 software.
You will be asked to register using a serial which starts from "1R8"
Copy the serial key from the keygen(Serial Number box) & paste it to the window.

6. Now, you will be prompt to either "Register Online" or "Register from another computer"
Choose the "REGISTER FROM ANOTHER COMPUTER" option and click next.

7. A new window will appear asking for your username & staffs. Just fill it with anything u
want(only type ur first name & last name,email add & country region will do. Skip the rest.
Then, make sure the last two checkbox are ticked right at the bottom. Now, click next.

8. You will be asked to save that reg file or something, just save it anywhere u like.
Click next till u comes to the activation code window.

9. Copy the numbers from the "Authentication/Activation Code" box from the keygen & paste it to
the window.

10.Done! Your program will start loading now and you have a fully registered Sony Vegas 10 Pro!
You can now close your keygen & enjoy the software.


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