Winstep Xtreme - Ganti Theme Windows Xp / 7

Winstep Xtreme adalah sebuah software untuk Windows XP Maupun Windows 7 .. Digunakan untuk mengganti Theme pada Komputer atau PC kalian...

Berikut Fiturnya :

A superb collection of utilities and desktop enhancements, Winstep Xtreme will change the way you work with Windows forever. Winstep Xtreme:

Transforms your desktop
Lets you have a desktop that becomes the envy of whoever looks at it... everybody loves a pretty face!

Organizes your Applications and Reduces Desktop Clutter
Winstep Xtreme allows you to eliminate the huge clutter from your desktop and quickly organize the applications and documents you use more frequently.

Enhances your productivity
Puts the things you need the most at your fingertips, allowing you to work better and faster. Your documents and applications are always just one or two clicks away.

Simplifies every aspect of your daily work
Instead of a generalist User Interface that compromises in order to accommodate millions of users, with Xtreme you can customize the Interface so it suits you, and the way you work.

It's FUN to use!
The more you use Winstep Xtreme, the more you'll go 'Wow, this rules!' as you discover all it can do for you.

Sistem Requirement :
Windows 2000/2003 Server/XP/Vista/7
32 or 64 bit.
500 Mhz processor.
256 MB of RAM.
50 MB of free hard disk space.
Screen resolution 800x600 or higher

Silahkan Yang mao Download Winstep Xtreme ini dibawah | Secara Deafault Winstep ini sudah termasuk 10 Theme / Tema...

Catatan : Jangan pernah Diupdate jika diupdate maka software akan menjadi trial .!
Download Winstep Xtreme via MediaFire Disini Atau
Download Winstep Xtreme Mirror Disini

Update :
Versi Terbaru Download Disini

Jika Kalian Bosan dengan 10 Theme Default ada beberapa Theme keren seperti Dibawah ini...
Ada 2 cara menginstall themes di Winstep Nexus
1. File dengan ekstensi .xtreme
- kalo file themes dgn ekstensi ini agan bisa langsung double klik file ini, dan akan langsung terinstall

2. File dengan ekstensi zip
- extract file yang anda download ke folder my document>winstep>THEMES
- reopen Winstep (close & open again)

Untuk Download Silahkan Klik Gambar Themenya...

6 komentar:

  1. apakah ini bisa berjalan di window 7 starter

  2. bos, gw dah install di xp x64bit edition
    tp waktu ganti2 tema di winstep, tema dari windows / explorernya kok ga ikut ganti ya
    msh tetep warna biru bawaan dari windows xp
    yg berubah temanya cuma komponen dari winstep aja spt nextstart dan nexus

    apa mmg begitu atau xp gw yg ga beres?

  3. bikin berat gak ini ?
    entar kayak tema yang lainnya malah bikin berat dan alhasil rusak deh komputer saya


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