Magic Iso Maker ... Udah tau kan Kegunaannya ?... Software ini berfungsi untuk membuat File Iso dari CD atau DVD milik kalian ,,, Dengan Iso kalian bisa menggunakannya untuk virtual CD/DVD, Dengan Ini juga kalian bisa mengcopy DVD atau CD ke DVD/CD Lainnya... Buat yang suka Maen Game PS2 Di PC juga membutuhkan ini untuk menjadikan DVD Ps2 menjadi Iso untuk dimainkan di PC menggunakan Emulator Ps2 for PC .... Juga Software ini berfungsi untuk mengburn file Iso ke DVD/CD ...
MagicISO is CD/DVD image utility that can extract, edit, create and burn ISO files. ISO file are images (duplicates) of complete CD/DVD disc. containing exact binary copies of the original CDs. Usually, you have to burn an ISO file on a CD to extract its contents, but now you can simply open an ISO file in MagicISO.
MagicISO can create ISO file from your CD/DVD driver. You can use ISO files for creating backup copies of your CDs or restore your CDs by burning backup ISO files.
If you have MagicISO, you will own ISO extractor, ISO converter, ISO burner and ISO creator
- Support all known CD image type
It can also convert BIN or any other format file created by CD burning software (Such as Nero-Burning ROM, Easy CD Create) or virtual DVD/CD-ROM driver software (such as Daemon-tools) to standard ISO format.
- Directly edit CD/DVD image file(s)
MagicISO has ability to create ISO image file. You can directly add/delete/rename files or folder in CD image file(s) with MagicISO. MagicISO can handle up to 10G large sizes so that user can extract / edit / open DVD image files in ease.
- Backup CD/DVD to your hard disk.
You can use MagicISO to make CD/DVD image from DVD/CD-ROM to hard disk in order to backup CD/DVD or use it with virtual CD or Virtual machine.
- Make Bootable CD/DVD
MagicISO has ability to make bootable CD/DVD image file. With MagicISO, you can process the boot information for CD/DVD image file, as well as directly add/remove/extract boot image for the CD/DVD image file.
MagicISO can also make multiple bootable CD/DVD image file. Using this function, you can combine multiple OS installation CD into one CD/DVD image file in order to install multiple OS from one CD/DVD.
New Features for v5.5(build 281)
* Improved Apple DMG format support. Can open/convert/burn most DMG images including MAC OSX 10.5 Leopard.
* Support disk image with NTFS/EXT partitions.
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes.
* Supported operation systems: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7,Windows XP x64 Edition, Windows 2003 x64 Edition, Windows Vista x64 Edition, Windows 2008 x64 Edition, Windows 7 x64 Edition
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